Sunday 26 October 2008

Obama calls McCain a Bush imitator

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent John Whitesides, Political Correspondent – 2 hrs 41 mins ago
Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama arrives at a campaign rally Reuters – Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama arrives at a campaign rally in Denver, October 26, …

DENVER (Reuters) – Democrat Barack Obama portrayed Republican rival John McCain as a weak imitation of President George W. Bush on Sunday and warned a McCain White House would mean four more years of failed policies and broken politics.

"We're not going to let George Bush pass the torch to John McCain," Obama told a crowd of more than 100,000 supporters who jammed a downtown Denver park and sprawled up the steps of the Colorado state capital building.

The Illinois senator, concluding a two-day campaign swing through the crucial Western battlegrounds of Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, once again hit his favorite theme -- that Americans cannot afford four more years of failed Republican leadership.

"Just this morning, Senator McCain said that he and President Bush 'share a common philosophy,'" Obama said. "I guess that was John McCain finally giving us a little straight talk."

Obama said "the Bush-McCain philosophy" benefited the rich and promised the wealth would trickle down to everyone else. He noted Bush had voted for McCain last week.

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