Thursday 20 November 2008

Boys, 21 Signs that You Have to Do Something Else

By Made Suryantara

1. Three years in English Courses and your IELTS score is still 4.5.
2. You watch Indonesian Opera Soap (Sinetron) each and every single day.
3. Hoping 1 USD = Rp 8,000.00.

4. You look at your watch during every class at school. Either you try to love your subject or stop wearing that ugly watch!
5. Cheating at examination. High grade may take you to the top, but good personality is needed to stay there.
6. Search a formula to eradicate the rampant corruption in Indonesia by year 2010.
7. Five dates. No kiss.
8. It’s 16th times You are in bench. Today is the 16th match of your soccer school team this year.
9. Seven dates. Still no kiss (I’ve told you!).
10. They tell you who really has killed JFK.
11. Register to Fortune-Teller-via Mobile Phone-Service, type “bla-bla-bla”, send to 7977. It’s all about money, man….
12. Once a week, you go to the cinema for Indonesian Horror Movie.
13. Two semesters in Chemistry 101 Class and you still assume that CO2 is equal to 2 CO.
14. Read all of English grammar book four hours a day. Hey, what’s the point of remembering all those tenses if you don’t get out once a while and speak up?
15. Your diets for six pack: 100 sit-up a day and a large size of beef-with-macaroni-and-cheese-pizza. It’s a bad combination! First attempt will hurt your back and second attempt will hurt the wallet at your back pocket.
16. Crazy about Loch Ness Monster.
17. Three credit cards (of course, from your parent). Whereas, the most expensive thing you can afford is that silly Rp 100,000 pants which was bought at traditional market.
18. You read all advertising in some local newspapers, looking for a man who crazy enough to exchange his new DVD player for your silly pants!
19. Searching for Indonesian politicians who as mature as Barack Obama and John McCain.
20. Then pray to God so Barack Obama will move and hold Indonesian passport.
21. At Google, you type “find a beautiful girl, long straight hair, smart, fair complexion, pointed nose, charming smile, humble, witty, attentive, 170 cm tall, vegetarian, pet lover, sporty, feminism, technology savvy, love all of Mel Gibson movie, crazy about soccer, Harley Davidson and Bon Jovi, under 20 years old, and still single”.

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