Thursday 20 November 2008

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn

Six Words Story

By Made Suryantara

I think everyone has their own story. Regardless of the quality, I also think that anybody can make the story of their own life. How about you? Can you establish a biography? Maybe. Can you write a story of your life? Sure, You can. What do you say if someone asks you to make your story only in six words? No way!

One of my friend said that it was impossible to tell a whole story only in six words. One day, by accident, I heard broadcasting at BBC which told about story about life in a rather unusual way. In 1920s Ernest Hemingway, an American writer, bet that he can make a complete story in only 6 words. He wrote “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn”. So powerful isn’t it? He won his bet.
Well, perhaps only a few people have a quality to write a great six words story like Hemingway. However, one of American Online Magazine, SMITH, urged its readers to write a story about their life in six words. They got around 15.000 stories and collected them in a book called Not Quite Sure What I was Planning. Larry Smith, SMITH editor, was surprised by so many powerful sentences he gained. He expected a lot of funny and happy story, but he got a heap of poignant narrative instead. Announcers at that program have said some examples, such as: “After Harvard, Had Baby with Crackhead”, “Find True Love, Merried Someone Else”,”I Never Should Bought that Ring”, “Any Chance I Could Start It Again?”.
I admit those story are funny yet full of sadness and the idea that call people sum up their live in just a few words is a brilliant idea. It must be challenging. So, last week I sent email and called some friends to tell me their whole life in six words. Like Larry Smith, I didn’t hope their story will be full of distress. In just three days, I collected tens of interesting stories successfully. Here some of them. “It’s a journey to achieve, enjoy, and rejoice” (Eka, 23 years old, living in Denpasar), “Marriage is Just a Door, Enter and Enjoy the Heaven” (Agus, 31 years old, Balikpapan), “I’m a Responsible Ambitious, Inspiring Housewife” (Puji, 30 years old, Tangerang), “Honestly I Try, I Try Honestly” (Christ, 25 years old, Berlin). Almost all of story I had received are containing happy and optimist statement. Maybe, all of my friend is a happy people. Lucky me.
Readers, why don’t you send me the story of yours? Try to challenge yourself and sum up your whole life in six words! For the beginning, this is my story, “Always Try Look on Bright Side of Life”.

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