Monday 24 November 2008

This Bug Really Bugz Us : Dengue Fever

“WHO estimates that dengue fever affects more than fifty million people every year”

In February 2007, countries in South America received more rain than usual and the weather was also warmer. In Bali and almost everywhere in Indonesia, rain comes everyday recently.

Those situations make the mosquito population increase. Many of them carry the disease dengue fever. Here in Indoensia (and other tropical countries), Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Demam berdarah dengue/DBD) has taken thousands of lives and left families in deep sadness.

Mosquitoes spread dengue fever. If this small insect drinks human blood which carries disease and it bites another person, the disease will release to the new victim. Dengue fever spreads quickly and hits a vast area especially in rainy season when the growth of mosquitoes reaches their peak.

In all people, the virus causes a fever after enter a person’s blood system. It also makes a severe pain in the joints and muscles in the arms and legs. The worst news is Dengue Fever is not just painful, but also can be deadly. The fever can become very high, up to 41 degree Celcius! When the situation gets worse, the victim begins to haemorrhage and his/her organs may bleed. This threatens their lives. At the end of July 2007, WHO said that areas in Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia could face the worst case of dengue fever seen in many years.

This disease is hardly recognized in the beginning of attack. At first, dengue fever seems like a common sickness. People think they are getting influenza or a normal fever. But, when the problem lasts longer, they know it is more serious. Something happened. They will suffer a dangerous problem if appropriate medical treatment doesn’t take place immediately.
The fact that there is no cure for dengue fever is another problem. To stop the disease, we must stop the mosquitoes, and the best time to block them is when they in larvae form. We can add certain chemicals to water, to kill the mosquito larvae. People also can remove any still water and anything that collects water, such as used cans, old car wheels, pots, and pans. Good drainage is highly important. Those efforts will help to alleviate the spread of dengue fever.
This mosquito can live any place, anywhere. Community members must work together to reduce the mosquito population and prevent them from spreading the disease. Here in Indonesia, people along with government should take continuous action to tackle this health problem. Families and friends should work together and care for each other a.s.a.p. if someone gets dengue fever. In this case, lateness is agony. We able to stop dengue fever if we all work together.
Have you done something in your neighborhood to stop dengue fever?

Sources: &

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