Tuesday 9 December 2008


10 Desember. Bos saya berulang-tahun. Tidak cuma 1 bos, tapi 2! Satunya memang benar-benar Bos saya, satunya teman baik yang sering saya panggil Bos (eh...dia juga kalo manggil saya Bos...). I wish the best for both of you and your families...
Sekarang, apa sih pentingnya ulang tahun?
Sebagian ada yang memandang ulang tahun sebagai hari yang luar biasa, harus dinikmati, bisa mati kalo dilewatkan! Satu hari dalam setahun (dalam 4 tahun malah kalo kamu lahir tanggal 29 Februari!) dimana kamu adalah raja! Satu hari dimana kamu bisa senyum terus...(susah kan, senyum dengan hati berbunga-bunga sepanjang hari?). On the other hand, ada yang mandang bahwa hari ultah itu hanya satu hari dari 365 hari setahun. Hari yang sama sekali tidak berbeda dengan hari lainnya. Hari dimana kamu harus ke sekolah, berangkat kerja, dan mengerjakan segala sesuatu seperti hari-hari kemarin. Tidak ada kue, tidak ada kartu ucapan, atau ciuman selamat ultah. Yang ada adalah PR, deadline, cangkir kopi yang belum dicuci, pakaian kotor, dan nasi bungkus.
What about you? Which side will you stand? OK, here's my opinion.

Momen dan konsisten.
Hampir semua orang memerlukan momen untuk hidup lebih baik, momen untuk memperbaiki diri, untuk kontemplasi, waktu untuk diam sejenak untuk mempersiapkan diri bergerak ke depan. Kita perlu momen untuk mengurai apa yang telah kita lakukan, mengevaluasi, dan mengambil langkah terbaik untuk hari esok. Momen itu bisa berupa apa saja, Tahun Baru, Hari Besar Keagamaan, hari besar nasional, tanggal-tanggal spesial, ato hari ulang tahun. Banyak orang yang memandang hari ultah sebagai hari spesial untuk merenung, berikrar, bahkan bermertamorfosis (yeah...sebagian besar sih melewatkan begitu saja dengan makan-makan).
Kalau begitu, mengapa tidak setiap hari saja kita mengevaluasi diri? Mengapa harus nunggu momen? Kalo setiap saat berkontemplasi dan memperbaiki diri, bukannya jauh lebih bagus?
Yup, itu jauh lebih bagus? Sayangnya, sangat sedikit dari kita yang bisa seperti itu. Hanya sedikit hari sekian milyar penduduk bumi yang dengan sabar menelisik diri setia hari. Hampir seluruhnya melewatkan sepanjang tahun dengan bekerja keras, belajar dengan giat, bersenang-senang, sibuk dengan berbagai klub, organisasi, ini itu..dsb.
Sebagian besar dari kita termasuk golongan orang yang tidak konsisten. Kita mungkin sudah berikrar akan menjadi orang yang lebih baik, lebih giat, lebih sabar, lebih tenang, mulai berolahraga, mengurangi rokok, tidak menyentuk junk food lagi, ..dst...dst... tapi sangat sudah untuk konsisten secara terus-menerus. "Grafik kebaikan" kita tidak linier naik terus-menerus. "Grafik kesabaran" kita seperti detak jantung manusia di mesin pendeteksi di ICU rumah sakit, naik turun. Saya adalah contoh yang amat nyata akan ketidakkonsistenan itu.
Karen itu saya perlu momen. Momen untuk diam sesaat dan menganalisa diri. Momen untuk mundur selangkah dan maju dua-tiga langkah. Saya tidak konsisten tuk hidup lebih baik terus-menerus, saya perlu momen. Mungking ulang tahun, mungkin tahun baru...atau mungkin hari-hari tertentu lainnya.
Tidak ada kue ultah untuk saya. Kartu juga jarang (atau langka?) yang memberikan untuk saya. Tapi bukan berarti saya tidak merayakannya. I celebrate my birthday with my own way. I always try to enjoy that moment for the sake of my life, my family.

Bos(s) saya ultah sekarang. Tidak tahu, apakah mereka merayakannya ato tidak. Tapi saya berharap mereka akan selalu sehat bersama keluarga, menjadi cahaya bagi orang sekitarnya, memberi rasa damai bagi orang-orang yang berbicara dengannya, memberi rasa aman bagi orang-orang yang dipeluknya...



Monday 24 November 2008

This Bug Really Bugz Us : Dengue Fever

“WHO estimates that dengue fever affects more than fifty million people every year”

In February 2007, countries in South America received more rain than usual and the weather was also warmer. In Bali and almost everywhere in Indonesia, rain comes everyday recently.

Those situations make the mosquito population increase. Many of them carry the disease dengue fever. Here in Indoensia (and other tropical countries), Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Demam berdarah dengue/DBD) has taken thousands of lives and left families in deep sadness.

Mosquitoes spread dengue fever. If this small insect drinks human blood which carries disease and it bites another person, the disease will release to the new victim. Dengue fever spreads quickly and hits a vast area especially in rainy season when the growth of mosquitoes reaches their peak.

In all people, the virus causes a fever after enter a person’s blood system. It also makes a severe pain in the joints and muscles in the arms and legs. The worst news is Dengue Fever is not just painful, but also can be deadly. The fever can become very high, up to 41 degree Celcius! When the situation gets worse, the victim begins to haemorrhage and his/her organs may bleed. This threatens their lives. At the end of July 2007, WHO said that areas in Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia could face the worst case of dengue fever seen in many years.

This disease is hardly recognized in the beginning of attack. At first, dengue fever seems like a common sickness. People think they are getting influenza or a normal fever. But, when the problem lasts longer, they know it is more serious. Something happened. They will suffer a dangerous problem if appropriate medical treatment doesn’t take place immediately.
The fact that there is no cure for dengue fever is another problem. To stop the disease, we must stop the mosquitoes, and the best time to block them is when they in larvae form. We can add certain chemicals to water, to kill the mosquito larvae. People also can remove any still water and anything that collects water, such as used cans, old car wheels, pots, and pans. Good drainage is highly important. Those efforts will help to alleviate the spread of dengue fever.
This mosquito can live any place, anywhere. Community members must work together to reduce the mosquito population and prevent them from spreading the disease. Here in Indonesia, people along with government should take continuous action to tackle this health problem. Families and friends should work together and care for each other a.s.a.p. if someone gets dengue fever. In this case, lateness is agony. We able to stop dengue fever if we all work together.
Have you done something in your neighborhood to stop dengue fever?

Sources: www.spotlightradio.net & http://id.wikipedia.org/


Thursday 20 November 2008

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn

Six Words Story

By Made Suryantara

I think everyone has their own story. Regardless of the quality, I also think that anybody can make the story of their own life. How about you? Can you establish a biography? Maybe. Can you write a story of your life? Sure, You can. What do you say if someone asks you to make your story only in six words? No way!

One of my friend said that it was impossible to tell a whole story only in six words. One day, by accident, I heard broadcasting at BBC which told about story about life in a rather unusual way. In 1920s Ernest Hemingway, an American writer, bet that he can make a complete story in only 6 words. He wrote “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn”. So powerful isn’t it? He won his bet.
Well, perhaps only a few people have a quality to write a great six words story like Hemingway. However, one of American Online Magazine, SMITH, urged its readers to write a story about their life in six words. They got around 15.000 stories and collected them in a book called Not Quite Sure What I was Planning. Larry Smith, SMITH editor, was surprised by so many powerful sentences he gained. He expected a lot of funny and happy story, but he got a heap of poignant narrative instead. Announcers at that program have said some examples, such as: “After Harvard, Had Baby with Crackhead”, “Find True Love, Merried Someone Else”,”I Never Should Bought that Ring”, “Any Chance I Could Start It Again?”.
I admit those story are funny yet full of sadness and the idea that call people sum up their live in just a few words is a brilliant idea. It must be challenging. So, last week I sent email and called some friends to tell me their whole life in six words. Like Larry Smith, I didn’t hope their story will be full of distress. In just three days, I collected tens of interesting stories successfully. Here some of them. “It’s a journey to achieve, enjoy, and rejoice” (Eka, 23 years old, living in Denpasar), “Marriage is Just a Door, Enter and Enjoy the Heaven” (Agus, 31 years old, Balikpapan), “I’m a Responsible Ambitious, Inspiring Housewife” (Puji, 30 years old, Tangerang), “Honestly I Try, I Try Honestly” (Christ, 25 years old, Berlin). Almost all of story I had received are containing happy and optimist statement. Maybe, all of my friend is a happy people. Lucky me.
Readers, why don’t you send me the story of yours? Try to challenge yourself and sum up your whole life in six words! For the beginning, this is my story, “Always Try Look on Bright Side of Life”.


Boys, 21 Signs that You Have to Do Something Else

By Made Suryantara

1. Three years in English Courses and your IELTS score is still 4.5.
2. You watch Indonesian Opera Soap (Sinetron) each and every single day.
3. Hoping 1 USD = Rp 8,000.00.

4. You look at your watch during every class at school. Either you try to love your subject or stop wearing that ugly watch!
5. Cheating at examination. High grade may take you to the top, but good personality is needed to stay there.
6. Search a formula to eradicate the rampant corruption in Indonesia by year 2010.
7. Five dates. No kiss.
8. It’s 16th times You are in bench. Today is the 16th match of your soccer school team this year.
9. Seven dates. Still no kiss (I’ve told you!).
10. They tell you who really has killed JFK.
11. Register to Fortune-Teller-via Mobile Phone-Service, type “bla-bla-bla”, send to 7977. It’s all about money, man….
12. Once a week, you go to the cinema for Indonesian Horror Movie.
13. Two semesters in Chemistry 101 Class and you still assume that CO2 is equal to 2 CO.
14. Read all of English grammar book four hours a day. Hey, what’s the point of remembering all those tenses if you don’t get out once a while and speak up?
15. Your diets for six pack: 100 sit-up a day and a large size of beef-with-macaroni-and-cheese-pizza. It’s a bad combination! First attempt will hurt your back and second attempt will hurt the wallet at your back pocket.
16. Crazy about Loch Ness Monster.
17. Three credit cards (of course, from your parent). Whereas, the most expensive thing you can afford is that silly Rp 100,000 pants which was bought at traditional market.
18. You read all advertising in some local newspapers, looking for a man who crazy enough to exchange his new DVD player for your silly pants!
19. Searching for Indonesian politicians who as mature as Barack Obama and John McCain.
20. Then pray to God so Barack Obama will move and hold Indonesian passport.
21. At Google, you type “find a beautiful girl, long straight hair, smart, fair complexion, pointed nose, charming smile, humble, witty, attentive, 170 cm tall, vegetarian, pet lover, sporty, feminism, technology savvy, love all of Mel Gibson movie, crazy about soccer, Harley Davidson and Bon Jovi, under 20 years old, and still single”.


Tuesday 4 November 2008

This victory belongs to you

A speech by the new president-elect of the United States of America, Barack Obama

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled – Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.

I just received a very gracious call from Senator McCain. He fought long and hard in this campaign, and he's fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate him and Governor Palin for all they have achieved, and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.

I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on that train home to Delaware, the Vice President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last sixteen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama. Sasha and Malia, I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House. And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.

To my campaign manager David Plouffe, my chief strategist David Axelrod, and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics – you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.

But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to – it belongs to you.

I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington – it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.

It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give five dollars and ten dollars and twenty dollars to this cause. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth. This is your victory.

I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime – two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college. There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America – I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you – we as a people will get there.

There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as President, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for two-hundred and twenty-one years – block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.

What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek – it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.

So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers – in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House – a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity. Those are values we all share, and while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress. As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, "We are not enemies, but friends…though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection." And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn – I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your President too.

And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world – our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To those who would tear this world down – we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security – we support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright – tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

For that is the true genius of America – that America can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing – Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.

She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons – because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.

And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America – the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.

At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.

When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.

When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.

She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.

A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change. Yes we can.

America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves – if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time – to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth – that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can. Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.



Obama sweeps to victory as first black president

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama swept to victory as the nation's first black president Tuesday night in an electoral college landslide that overcame racial barriers as old as America itself. "Change has come," he declared to a huge throng of cheering supporters.

The son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, the Democratic senator from Illinois sealed his historic triumph by defeating Republican Sen. John McCain in a string of wins in hard-fought battleground states — Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa and more.

On a night for Democrats to savor, they not only elected Obama the nation's 44th president but padded their majorities in the House and Senate, and come January will control both the White House and Congress for the first time since 1994.

Obama's election capped a meteoric rise — from mere state senator to president-elect in four years.

In his first speech as victor, Obama catalogued the challenges ahead. "The greatest of a lifetime," he said, "two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century."

He added, "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face."

McCain called his former rival to concede defeat — and the end of his own 10-year quest for the White House. "The American people have spoken, and spoken clearly," McCain told disappointed supporters in Arizona.

President Bush added his congratulations from the White House.

In his speech, Obama invoked the words of Lincoln and echoed John F. Kennedy.

"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder," he said.

He and his running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, will take their oaths of office as president and vice president on Jan. 20, 2009.

Obama will move into the Oval Office as leader of a country that is almost certainly in recession, and fighting two long wars, one in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan.

The popular vote was close — 51.3 percent to 47.5 percent with 73 percent of all U.S. precincts counted — but not the count in the Electoral College, where it mattered most.

There, Obama's audacious decision to contest McCain in states that hadn't gone Democratic in years paid rich dividends.

Obama has said his first order of presidential business will be to tackle the economy. He has also pledged to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months.



Sunday 2 November 2008

Hamilton claims title glory in remarkable finish

Lewis Hamilton became formula one's youngest champion after an astonishing finale to the Brazilian grand prix.

Hamilton, needing only a fifth-place finish to become Britain's first champion since Damon Hill in 1996, pulled it off after entering the last lap in sixth.

With the title seemingly slipping away for the second year in a row, he had Toyota's Timo Glock to thank after Glock stayed out on dry tyres when the heavens opened.

Hamilton powered past for fifth place as the final corner approached. "Before it started to rain I was quite comfortable," he said. "My tyres were a little bit shot so I was struggling to keep the pace up but I was able to stay ahead of Vettel.

"Then it started to drizzle and I didn't want to take any risks and he [Vettel] passed me, and I was told I had to get in front of him. I couldn't believe it and at the last corner I managed to get past Glock - and I can only thank God."

Ferrari's Felipe Massa, Hamilton's sole title rival, won his home race for the second time in three years to chalk up a record 16th constructors' title for Ferrari, but was understandly disappointed with the result.

"I'm so proud about the race, the team, the people around who support me more than ever," he said. "That is a really emotional day for me because you have almost done everything perfectly. I saw Lewis pass Glock and that really mixed a lot of emotion. Unfortunately we missed [out] by one point but that's racing - we need to be proud of our job, our race, our championship. I know how to win, I know how to lose, we are going to learn a lot with these days."

Hamilton, who missed out by a single point to Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen in Brazil last season, ended the 18-race season one point clear of Massa. But that table does not tell half the story of the most dramatic climax in formula one history.

Britain's last world champion, Damon Hill, told Sky News: "I send my heartfelt congratulations to the Hamilton family - it will have to go down as one of the most exciting formula one races ever. It's a momentous day. We're here celebrating another British world champion and I'm really pleased. He will go on and win more championships. He's been through the biggest, toughest test you can possibly go through and he's bringing the cup home here."

Renault's Fernando Alonso finished the race in second place and Raikkonen came home third.



Tuesday 28 October 2008

Departemen Keuangan Berhasil Raih Dua Penghargaan Citra Pelayanan Prima

Dua unit kantor vertikal Departemen Keuangan (Depkeu) yakni Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Madya kota Denpasar dan Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN) Makasar II berhasil meraih Penghargaan Piala Citra Pelayanan Prima.

Sementara itu, dua unit kantor vertikal Depkeu lainnya yakni Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai (KPPBC) Tipe A3 Merak dan Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang (KPKNL) Mataram juga berhasil meraih penghargaan untuk kategori Piagam Citra Pelayanan Prima.

Penghargaan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi Presiden Republik Indonesia terhadap keberhasilan berbagai instansi dalam peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik.
Penghargaan ini mencerminkan bahwa Reformasi Birokrasi yang dijalankan oleh Depkeu berada pada jalur yang benar dan memberikan manfaat yang positif bagi Masyarakat. Rencananya penganugerahan penghargaan tersebut akan dilakukan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia pada hari Kamis tanggal 30 Oktober 2008 di Istana Negara.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Samsuar Said, Kepala Biro Hubungan Masyarakat, Departemen Keuangan, Telp: (021) 384-6663, Fax: (021) 384-5724

Jakarta, 27/10 (ANTARA)


Windows 7 gets personal

Microsoft unveils the successor to its much-criticised Vista operating system, but users will have to wait at least another year for it

Bobbie Johnson, technology correspondent guardian.co.uk,
Tuesday October 28 2008 18.35 GMT

Last year Microsoft was promising great advances in the way we use our computers thanks to Vista, a new version of its Windows system. Just 18 months later, however – and after a year of intense criticism – the company today unveiled its successor, Windows 7.

The new system, which is unlikely to go on sale for at least another year, attempts to fix a number of problems with Vista and allow Microsoft to compete with a new generation of internet-based systems that are beginning to challenge its worldwide dominance.

Showing off Windows 7 for the first time at the company's Professional Developers' Conference in Los Angeles, chief software architect Ray Ozzie unveiled a vision of the future that included not only your desktop PC, but also your mobile phone and the online world.

"We are bringing the best of the web to Windows, and the best of Windows to the web," said Ozzie, who took over the company's strategy from co-founder Bill Gates.

"From PC to the web to the phone, we are focused on enabling the creation of the next generation of user experiences that change the way we live, work and play."

At first glance, Windows 7 appears similar to Vista, but Microsoft is promising a number of improvements in performance.

The system will be faster and easier to use, Ozzie said, and is set to include hi-tech additions such as improved user interface, a new taskbar and support for a new generation of multitouch screens.

The company announced new features to help protect privacy and manage your computer's health.

Ozzie also demonstrated a new version of Microsoft Office which uses the internet to store files – allowing users to pick up their documents from any computer that is online.

Developers at PDC 2008 are being offered a pre-beta build of Windows 7, as well as early copies of some of Microsoft's other products being launched at the conference – such as the new cloud computing system, Azure.

The announcement marks the latest attempt by Microsoft to put the disappointing launch of Windows Vista behind it.

"We've done a lot of work around how you manage the windows, how you launch programs and how you manage the windows of the programs you've launched," said Steven Sinofsky, the senior vice-president for Windows. "It's all about personalisation and putting you in control of the PC."


Kenali Tanda Segi Tiga Pada Kemasan Plastik

Written by Andik Prayogo
Saturday, 16 August 2008 08:24
Akhir-akhir ini sering diulas di televisi tentang kemasan plastik yang berbahaya. Coba kita perhatikan di sekitar kita, sudah dipenuhi dengan sampah plastik yang tentunya sangat sulit untuk didaur ulang.
Kita juga sering menjumpai berbagai macam plastik mulai dari tas kresek dengan berbagai macam warna ( merah, putih, hitam dll), toples tempat makanan, botol air minum, botol susu, gantungan baju, compact disk (CD), pipa paralon dll yang semuanya itu mengandung plastik juga kan???

Tentunya kita sebagai manusia awam tidak tahu mana plastik yang aman dan yang tidak aman. Tetapi ternyata sudah diatur dan ditetapkan secara internasional sehingga di negara manapun di dunia ini menggunakan kode dan simbol yang sama. Namun sayang masih banyak yang belum mengetahui seperti apa kode dan simbol tersebut. Bagi manusia awam kode dan simbol tersebut sangat penting untuk diketahui karena berkaitan dengan jenis bahan serta cara dampak pemakaiannya.

Kode ini dikeluarkan oleh The Society of Plastic Industry pada tahun 1998 di Amerika Serikat dan diadopsi oleh lembaga-lembaga pengembangan sistem kode, seperti ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

Secara umum tanda pengenal plastik tersebut:

1. Berada atau terletak di bagian bawah
2. Berbentuk segitiga
3. Di dalam segitiga tersebut terdapat angka
4. Serta nama jenis plastik di bawah segitiga

Tanda pengenal plastik itu dibagi menjadi 7 buah kelompok. Serta 3 tambahan sehingga totalnya ada 10 buah. Tanda-tanda plastik tersebut adalah:


Tanda ini biasanya tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 1 di tengahnya serta tulisan PETE atau PET (polyethylene terephthalate) di bawah segitiga. Biasa dipakai untuk botol plastik, berwarna jernih/ transparan/tembus pandang seperti botol air mineral, botol jus, dan hampir semua botol minuman lainnya. BOTOL JENIS PET/PETE ini direkomendasikan HANYA SEKALI PAKAI. Bila terlalu sering dipakai, apalagi digunakan untuk menyimpan air hangat apalagi panas, akan mengakibatkan lapisan polimer pada botol tersebut akan meleleh dan mengeluarkan zat karsinogenik (dapat menyebabkan kanker) dalam jangka panjang.

Umumnya, pada bagian bawah kemasan botol plastik, tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 2 di tengahnya, serta tulisan HDPE (high density polyethylene) di bawah segitiga. Biasa dipakai untuk botol susu yang berwarna putih susu, tupperware, galon air minum, kursi lipat, dan lain-lain. HDPE memiliki sifat bahan yang lebih kuat, keras, buram dan lebih tahan terhadap suhu tinggi. HDPE merupakan salah satu bahan plastik yang aman untuk digunakan karena kemampuan untuk mencegah reaksi kimia antara kemasan plastik berbahan HDPE dengan makanan/minuman yang dikemasnya. Sama seperti PET, HDPE juga direkomendasikan hanya untuk sekali pemakaian karena pelepasan senyawa antimoni trioksida terus meningkat seiring waktu.

Tertera logo daur ulang (terkadang berwarna merah) dengan angka 3 di tengahnya, serta tulisan V. V itu berarti PVC (polyvinyl chloride), yaitu jenis plastik yang paling sulit didaur ulang. Plastik ini bisa ditemukan pada plastik pembungkus (cling wrap), dan botol-botol. Reaksi yang terjadi antara PVC dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan plastik ini berpotensi berbahaya untuk ginjal, hati dan berat badan. Sebaiknya kita mencari alternatif pembungkus makanan lain (bukan bertanda 3 dan V) seperti plastik yang terbuat dari polietilena atau bahan alami (daun pisang misalnya).


Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 4 di tengahnya, serta tulisan LDPE. LDPE (low density polyethylene) yaitu plastik tipe cokelat (thermoplastic/dibuat dari minyak bumi), biasa dipakai untuk tempat makanan, plastik kemasan, dan botol-botol yang lembek.

Sifat mekanis jenis plastik LDPE adalah

1. Kuat,
2. Agak tembus cahaya,
3. Fleksibel dan permukaan agak berlemak.
4. Pada suhu di bawah 60oC sangat resisten terhadap senyawa kimia,
5. Daya proteksi terhadap uap air tergolong baik,
6. Kurang baik bagi gas-gas yang lain seperti oksigen. 7. Plastik ini dapat didaur ulang, baik untuk barang-barang yang memerlukan fleksibilitas tetapi kuat, dan memiliki resistensi yang baik terhadap reaksi kimia.

Barang berbahan LDPE ini sulit dihancurkan, tetapi tetap baik untuk tempat makanan karena sulit bereaksi secara kimiawi dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan bahan ini.

Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 5 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PP. Karakteristik adalah biasa botol transparan yang tidak jernih atau berawan. Polipropilen lebih kuat dan ringan dengan daya tembus uap yang rendah, ketahanan yang baik terhadap lemak, stabil terhadap suhu tinggi dan cukup mengkilap.

Jenis PP (polypropylene) ini adalah pilihan bahan plastik terbaik, terutama untuk tempat makanan dan minuman seperti tempat menyimpan makanan, botol minum dan terpenting botol minum untuk bayi.

Carilah dengan kode angka 5 bila membeli barang berbahan plastik untuk menyimpan kemasan berbagai makanan dan minuman.

Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 6 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PS. PS (polystyrene) ditemukan tahun 1839, oleh Eduard Simon, seorang apoteker dari Jerman, secara tidak sengaja. PS biasa dipakai sebagai bahan tempat makan styrofoam, tempat minum sekali pakai, dan lain-lain. Polystyrene merupakan polimer aromatik yang dapat mengeluarkan bahan styrene ke dalam makanan ketika makanan tersebut bersentuhan. Selain tempat makanan, styrene juga bisa didapatkan dari asap rokok, asap kendaraan dan bahan konstruksi gedung. Bahan ini harus dihindari, karena selain berbahaya untuk kesehatan otak, mengganggu hormon estrogen pada wanita yang berakibat pada masalah reproduksi, dan pertumbuhan dan sistem syaraf, juga karena bahan ini sulit didaur ulang. Pun bila didaur ulang, bahan ini memerlukan proses yang sangat panjang dan lama. Bahan ini dapat dikenali dengan kode angka 6, namun bila tidak tertera kode angka tersebut pada kemasan plastik, bahan ini dapat dikenali dengan cara dibakar (cara terakhir dan sebaiknya dihindari). Ketika dibakar, bahan ini akan mengeluarkan api berwarna kuning jingga, dan meninggalkan jelaga.

Tertera logo daur ulang dengan angka 7 di tengahnya, serta tulisan OTHER. Untuk jenis plastik 7 Other ini ada 4 jenis, yaitu :

1. SAN – styrene acrylonitrile,
2. ABS - acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,
3. PC - polycarbonate,
4. Nylon

Dapat ditemukan pada tempat makanan dan minuman seperti botol minum olahraga, suku cadang mobil, alat-alat rumah tangga, komputer, alat-alat elektronik, dan plastik kemasan. SAN dan ABS memiliki resistensi yang tinggi terhadap reaksi kimia dan suhu, kekuatan, kekakuan, dan tingkat kekerasan yang telah ditingkatkan. Biasanya terdapat pada mangkuk mixer, pembungkus termos, piring, alat makan, penyaring kopi, dan sikat gigi, sedangkan ABS biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan mainan lego dan pipa.

Plastik dengan jenis 7 yaitu SAN dan ABS merupakan salah satu bahan plastik yang sangat baik untuk digunakan dalam kemasan makanan ataupun minuman. Bagaimana jenis plastik dengan kode 7 serta tulisan PC? PC – atau nama Polycarbonate dapat ditemukan pada botol susu bayi, gelas anak batita (sippy cup), botol minum polikarbonat, dan kaleng kemasan makanan dan minuman, termasuk kaleng susu formula.

Dapat mengeluarkan bahan utamanya yaitu Bisphenol-A ke dalam makanan dan minuman yang berpotensi merusak sistem hormon, kromosom pada ovarium, penurunan produksi sperma, dan mengubah fungsi imunitas. Dianjurkan tidak digunakan untuk tempat makanan ataupun minuman. Ironisnya botol susu sangat mungkin mengalami proses pemanasan, entah itu untuk tujuan sterilisasi dengan cara merebus, dipanaskan dengan microwave, atau dituangi air mendidih atau air panas.

Apakah yang Dapat Kita Peroleh dari Informasi SIMBOL PLASTIK Tersebut?

1. Harus bijak dalam menggunakan plastik, khususnya kode 1, 3, 6, dan 7 (PC), seluruhnya memiliki bahaya secara kimiawi. Gunakan hanya sekali pakai!
2. Akan aman bila menggunakan plastik dengan kode 2, 4, 5, dan 7 (SAN atau ABS)

Satu lagi yang perlu diwaspadai dari penggunaan plastik dalam industri makanan adalah kontaminasi zat warna plastik dalam makanan contohnya kita sering membeli gorengan di pinggir jalan, suka minta sama penjualnya yang panas lalu setelah digoreng dimasukkan ke kantong kresek hitam. Ternyata zat pewarna hitam ini kalau terkena panas, bisa terurai, terdegradasi menjadi bentuk zat radikal beracun yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan terutama dapat menyebabkan sel tubuh berkembang tidak terkontrol seperti pada penyakit kanker. Makanya mulai sekarang sebisa mungkin hindari membungkus makanan dengan tas kresek ya! Terutama makanan yang masih panas. Demi panjang umur…. hehehe…. dan tips buat kita semua bagi para orang tua yang masih memerlukan botol susu untuk putra-putrinya:

1. Pilih dan gunakan botol susu bayi berbahan kaca, atau plastik jenis 4 atau 5.
2. Gunakanlah cangkir bayi berbahan stainless steel, atau plastik jenis 4 atau 5.
3. Untuk dot, gunakanlah yang berbahan silikon, karena tidak akan mengeluarkan zat karsinogenik sebagaimana pada dot berbahan latex.
4. Cegah penggunaan botol susu bayi dan cangkir bayi (dengan lubang penghisapnya) berbahan jenis 7 PC (polycarbonate),
5. Jika penggunaan plastik berbahan polycarbonate tidak dapat dicegah, janganlah menyimpan air minum ataupun makanan dalam keadaan panas.

Hindari penggunaan botol plastik untuk menyimpan air minum (biasa digunakan untuk tempat air putih didalam kulkas). Jika penggunaan botol plastik berbahan PET (kode 1) dan HDPE (kode 2), tidak dapat dicegah, gunakanlah hanya sekali pakai dan segera dihabiskan. Gantilah dengan botol stainless steel atau gelas/kaca.

Cegahlah memanaskan makanan yang dikemas dalam plastik, khususnya pada microwave oven, bungkuslah terlebih dahulu makanan dengan daun pisang atau kertas sebelum dibungkus dengan plastik pembungkus ketika akan dipanaskan di mocrowave oven.

Cegah menggunakan kemasan plastik untuk mengemas makanan berminyak atau berlemak.

Cobalah untuk mulai menggunakan kemasan berbahan kain untuk membawa sayuran, makanan, ataupun belanjaan. Cegah penggunaan piring dan alat makan plastik untuk masakan. Gunakanlah alat makan berbahan stainless steel, kaca, keramik, dan kayu.


Monday 27 October 2008

Sumpah Mahasiswa Dikumandangkan dari Yogyakarta

BERSAMAAN dengan peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa atau BEM Seluruh Indonesia akan mendeklarasikan Sumpah Mahasiswa di Yogyakarta, Selasa (28/10). Sumpah mahasiswa ini merupakan komitmen mahasiswa untuk berjuang dan berkarya demi terciptanya Indonesia yang berdaulat dan sejahtera.

Koordinator Pusat BEM SI Budiyanto mengatakan, Sumpah Mahasiswa tersebut disepakati oleh sekitar 80 BEM perguruan tinggi dari seluruh Indonesia. Sumpah tersebut merupakan lanjutan perjuangan Sumpah Pemuda 1928 dan Sumpah Palapa. Kedua sumpah tersebut juga berisi perjuangan untuk mencapai persatuan dan kedaulatan bangsa.

"Sumpah Mahasiswa ini setidaknya bisa menjadi semacam aturan bagi kami sendiri, terutama bila nanti sudah menjadi pemimpin bangsa," kata Budiyanto yang juga sebagai Presiden Mahasiswa UGM di Yogyakarta, Senin (27/10).

Rencananya, pendeklarasian Sumpah Mahasiswa akan berlangsung di Bundaran Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) bersama sekitar 50 mahasiswa yang masih mengikuti konferensi sampai hari terakhir.

"Beberapa perwakilan BEM perguruan tinggi yang berasal dari jauh sudah pulang duluan karena sudah memasuki masa ujian," katanya.

Menurut Budiyanto, sumpah ini muncul dari hasil Konferensi Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMI) yang berlangsung selama empat hari sebelumnya. Dalam rapat itu, sekitar 100 mahasiswa yang terbagi dalam 10 komisi merumuskan permasalahan bangsa dari berbagai bidang. Hasil rapat antarkomisi BEM Seluruh Indonesia itu menyimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan nasional yang lemah telah membuat kedaulatan dan kesejahteraan bangsa tidak tercipta.

"Kami mendambakan pemimpin nasional yang berpihak pada rakyat, bukan pemimpin yang justru lebih mementingkan keperluan partainya," kata Humas BEM Seluruh Indonesia Eka Nugraha. Eka mengatakan, Sumpah Mahasiswa ini tidak terbatas pada pemilihan umum (Pemilu) 2009 saja. Sumpah ini ditargetkan baru efektif pada tahun 2025.

"Pada saat itu, kami proyeksikan kami yang sekarang ini mahasiswa sudah punya kesempatan di dalam dunia politik. Sumpah ini adalah ikatan bagi kami saat itu," kata Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Elektro UGM itu.

Ketua BEM Universitas Mataram, Hijrah mengungkapkan, keikutsertaannya dalam organisasi kepemudaan didorong oleh panggilan moral untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat di daerahnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Motivasi ini timbul karena sejak kecil dia kerap mendengar keluhan orang tentang kondisi negara yang tidak mampu menyejahterakan rakyatnya.

"Mau tak mau, saya merasa terpanggil," kata mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Kependidikan itu.

Irene Sarwindaningrum
Sent from my BlackBerry © Wireless device from XL GPRS/EDGE/3G Network


Sunday 26 October 2008

Obama calls McCain a Bush imitator

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent John Whitesides, Political Correspondent – 2 hrs 41 mins ago
Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama arrives at a campaign rally Reuters – Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama arrives at a campaign rally in Denver, October 26, …

DENVER (Reuters) – Democrat Barack Obama portrayed Republican rival John McCain as a weak imitation of President George W. Bush on Sunday and warned a McCain White House would mean four more years of failed policies and broken politics.

"We're not going to let George Bush pass the torch to John McCain," Obama told a crowd of more than 100,000 supporters who jammed a downtown Denver park and sprawled up the steps of the Colorado state capital building.

The Illinois senator, concluding a two-day campaign swing through the crucial Western battlegrounds of Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, once again hit his favorite theme -- that Americans cannot afford four more years of failed Republican leadership.

"Just this morning, Senator McCain said that he and President Bush 'share a common philosophy,'" Obama said. "I guess that was John McCain finally giving us a little straight talk."

Obama said "the Bush-McCain philosophy" benefited the rich and promised the wealth would trickle down to everyone else. He noted Bush had voted for McCain last week.


Thursday 23 October 2008

Memuja Hidup dengan Kerja

Mungkinkah kerja tanpa pamerih di zaman serba tidak ada yang gratis, sekarang ini?

“ Karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana ma karmaphala hetur bhur ma te sango ‘stv akarmani. ”
(“Engkau berhak melakukan tugas kewajibanmu yang telah ditetapkan, tetapi engkau tidak berhak atas hasil perbuatan. Jangan sesekali pun menganggap dirimu penyebab hasil kegiatanmu, dan jangan terikat pada kebiasaan tidak melakukan kewajibanmu.”)
Sloka II.47 Bhagawad Gita itu kini menjadi sedemikian termasyhur di seantero jagat. Wejangan Sri Krishna kepada Arjuna

di tengah medan pertempuran keluarga Kuru itu menggema terus, melampaui batas ruang geografis, menembus batas zaman bergenerasi-generasi, memeluk hati insan manusia tanpa sekat etnis, bangsa, warna kulit, latar budaya—dan juga kavling agama.
“Bhagawad Gita menjelaskan evolusi batin manusia dengan sangat jelas dan sistematis, evolusi batin yang dapat mengangkat derajat manusia. Ia adalah intisari filsafat perenial yang paling jelas dan lengkap. Karena itu, ia penting bagi seluruh umat manusia, bukan terbatas bagi India saja,” sambut filsuf Barat, Aldous Huxley.
Di Timur, di tanah asalnya, Gita tak henti mengalirkan inspirasi semangat hidup. “Bhagawad Gita memberi landasan spiritual bagi keberadaan umat manusia. Ia adalah panggilan (bagi seluruh umat manusia) supaya berkarya dan menunaikan kewajibannya di dunia dengan tetap memperhatikan tujuan spiritual semesta yang jauh lebih penting dan mulia,” tutur Perdana Menteri India, Jawaharlal Nehru.
Di Barat, tempat revolusi industri telah begitu melambungkan manusia ke keberlimpahan material, Gita kini justru menjadi pusat referensi manajemen bisnis para eksekutif. Setelah tak jua menemukan rasa bahagia mendalam dengan keberlimpahan materi duniawi, dengan mengikuti jurus seni perang model panglima perang Cina yang hidup kira-kira 500 SM, Sun Tzu, kini kalangan pebisnis di belahan dunia Barat justru mulai berpaling pada Gita wejangan Sri Krishna.
“Zaman telah berubah. Para eksekutif bisnis kini meninggalkan ajaran seni perang Sun Tzu dan beralih mengikuti petunjuk Bhagawad Gita yang penuh kedamaian,” simpul majalah mingguan internasional, Business Week, edisi Indonesia, 15-33 November 2006.
Dalam cermatan Business Week, era ketika Gordon Gekko, tokoh dalam film Wall Street keluaran 1987, dengan bangga mengutip Sun Tzu telah pudar. Bhagawad Gita kini justru mulai menggeser posisi The Art of War karya Sun Tzu sebagai referensi manajemen. Gekko, yang diperankan sangat gemilang oleh aktor kawakan Michael Douglas itu, dalam suatu rapat para pemegang saham berdiri angkuh dengan setelan jas necisnya yang mahal dan rambut tersisir rapi ke belakang. Tanpa rasa malu, eksekutif angkuh ini berkoar-koar memaparkan doktrin kapitalisme era tersebut.
“Keserakahan,” kata Gekko, “adalah hal yang baik. Keserakahan adalah hal yang tepat. Keserakahan benar berfungsi.” Setelah jeda sejenak, Gekko melanjutkan, “Keserakahan mengklasifikasi, membedah, dan merupakan pengejawantahan esensi semangat evolusi…”
Setelah semua peserta rapat terdiam oleh ‘sihir' doktrinnya, sang eksekutif perusahaan Teldar Paper ini pun menegaskan, “Keserakahan, ingat kata-kata saya ini, tidak hanya akan menyelamatkan Teldar Paper, tetapi juga perusahaan lain yang berada di ujung jurang kebangkrutan, yang bernama Amerika Serikat.”
Setelah beranak-pinak bertahun-tahun, keserakahan model Gekko itu pun kini mulai ditanggalkan—karena ongkos akibat keserakahan itu sungguh tak terkira: kehancuran ruang hidup dan kehidupan bersama umat manusia. Keserakahan, nyatanya, tidak bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan hidup dan kehidupan. Keserakahan niscaya menghancurkan.
Setelah terbukti tak sanggup menghamparkan kebahagiaan sejati, doktrin Gordon Gekko, yang menjadi penghayat jempolan ajaran Sun Tzu itu pun, lamat-lamat tinggal hanya kenangan. Bagi Sun Tzu, tujuan utama hidup adalah memenangkan perang dengan menundukkan musuh. Untuk mencapai tujuan utama itu, Anda dibenarkan berbuat culas, curang, menggelar tipu muslihat. Begitulah keserakahan bekerja secara pasti, mengantarkan manusia menuju titik kehancuran.
Jenuh dengan jurus keserakahan memenangkan pertempuran perang, orang-orang kini mulai berbelok arah, merunut jalan kesadaran—bahkan kapitalisme pun belakangan ini mengenal kesadaran, conscious capitalism, yang berlandaskan rasa kepercayaan (trust) dan kesatuan-utuh (integrity) pikir, kata, dan laku. Dalam pada itulah, sebagaimana dilaporkan Business Week, Gita menjadi referensi utama. “Bhagawad Gita, naskah kuno Hindu, sepertinya lebih sesuai dengan semangat masa kini. Ia lebih fokus pada pikiran dan tindakan, bukan pada hasil,” simpul Business Week.
Sri Krishna dalam Gita memang tidak mengajak manusia berkutat pada cecabang, apalagi ranting-ranting masalah. Dia menusuk langsung ke akar penyebab munculnya masalah, yakni pikiran (citta) dan tindakan atau perbuatan (karma). Dalam kondisi manusia normal-normal saja, setiap tindakan atau karma niscaya meninggalkan bekas, jejak, pada pikiran. Namun, tidak berarti agar terlepas, terbebas dari bekas karma, manusia lantas sama sekali tidak bertindak. Sebagaimana dikutipkan dalam sloka di awal tadi, Gita bahkan secara tegas tak mematutkan—apalagi menganjurkan—orang untuk tidak berkarma (akarma).
Tugas mulia, kewajiban utama manusia hidup justru adalah berkarma. Tanpa berkarma, bahkan hidup pun sungguh tak mungkin. Bahkan, Krishna pun sangat terang dan jelas mengakui diri-Nya juga tak bebas dari berkarma. Karena itu, Krishna menganjurkan: berkarmalah sesuai dengan kewajibanmu (swadharma)—itulah dinamakan swakarma, sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip keprofesionalan. Profesional dalam swadharma masing-masing, sekecil apa pun, jauh lebih mulia, agung, dan tepat tinimbang mengerjakan swadharma orang lain, sebesar dan sehebat apa pun. Dalam semangat Gita, setiap orang sebaiknya dan sepatutnya menjadi besar dalam swadharmanya masing-masing.
Yang terpenting kemudian, dalam visi Gita, bukan apa yang akan dikerjakan, lalu bagaimana hasilnya, melainkan: bagaimana orang akan mengerjakannya, dengan semangat bagaimana orang mengerjakannya? Di sinilah kitab suci Weda Kelima ini menyorot langsung akar muasal masalah kelahiran manusia yang bertubuh, yakni: pikiran.
Jika saat berkarma pikiran ini terikat pada hasil yang akan didapat, diperoleh—terlebih hasil material maupun psikologis duniawi—atas tindakan itu, berarti orang yang berkarma ini belum sadar. Hasil akhirnya justru adalah daur samsara, kelahiran berulang-ulang, dari satu keterikatan ke keterikatan lain. Logika matematisnya: manakala pikiran bermuatan, entah positif ataupun negatif, bukan nol, maka dia akan senantiasa menyisakan hasil atas setiap tindakan. Hanya manakala pikiran nol, tanpa muatanlah, tindakan tak akan membekas, layaknya jejak burung terbang di angkasa lepas. Itu dinamakan niskama karma.
Itu sebab, Gita menggariskan solusi akurat: berkarmalah tanpa mengharapkan hasil, imbalan-imbalan yang di luar, seperti honor tinggi, ketenaran, liputan pers, gengsi, kemenangan, dan seterusnya. Kegagalan atau keberhasilan sepatutnya diterima sama, rata (samatwam)—orang Bali menyebut dangsah, asah, patuh, rata. Gagal atau berhasil bukanlah urusan mendesak dan penting yang ditentukan oleh yang berbuat. Itu seyogyanya disadari sebagai kavling kuasa sang Maha Penyebab Maha Penentu, Hyang Maha Agung Maha Hidup.
Kewajiban orang yang berkarma hanyalah mengerjakan sebaik-baiknya, dengan tanpa beban. Untuk dapat mengerjakan sebaik-baiknya tentu diperlukan persiapan dan kesiapan—tak mungkin dengan asal-asalan atau sekadarnya. Dengan begitu, berkarma akan dirasakan sebagai bentuk pemujaan kepada Hyang Agung Maha Hidup, sehingga dorongan kerja dengan sendirinya datang dari ketulusmurnian terdalam. Bukan karena dorongan-dorongan dangkal dari luar.
Boleh jadi itulah yang oleh para tetua Bali masa lampau dinamakan ngayah, bekerja tanpa berharap imbalan (mabayah). Atau, ada tuara —dibayar atau tidak dibayar tetap sama. Lewat kerja ngayah, penari-penari sepuh, seperti I Kakul, Ni Reneng, I Geruh, penabuh I Lotring, atau undagi serba bisa sekelas Lempad, pelukis Gus Made Poleng, dan masih banyak lagi sezaman mereka, berkarya sepenuh jiwa. Kerap ujung kisah hidup para seniman pangayah generasi ini, dan juga sebelumnya, terbelit kemiskinan materi dan sakit-sakitan. Tapi, mereka tetap girang, penuh energi hidup, manakala ditemui, diajak menuturkan profesi yang dilakoni.
“Saat ngayah menari saya tak lagi teringat apa pun, kecuali memusatkan perhatian penuh pada tarian. Badan ini bergerak, bergetar, mengalir, begitu adanya, serasa Ida Batara (Dewata) menapak di sini,” begitu penari Legong Bali tenar asal Desa Kedaton, Denpasar, Ni Reneng, kerap bertutur, menunjuk ubun-ubunnya, manakala ditemui di hari-hari menjelang akhir hayatnya.
Pernah, suatu hari, pengarang sastra Bali asal Sanur, Denpasar, Ida Pedanda Made Sidemen, ditemui oleh warga desa di kawasan Kecamatan Kuta Selatan. Warga dua desa menyatakan kepada sang pendeta tak memiliki uang buat membeli emas guna dijadikan elemen dasar (padagingan) bangunan suci. Sang pendeta penekun yoga ini sontak beranjak, mengambil medali emas penghargaan yang diberikan oleh Presiden Soeharto. Medali yang sehari-hari tergantung di dinding rumahnya itu lantas dibagi dua, masing-masing sepotong buat satu desa.
Warga kedua desa tersentak. Tapi, Ida Pedanda Made tetap bergeming, tak bereaksi apa-apa—biasa-biasa saja. “Daripada medali emas itu hanya tergantung di tembok, lebih bagus dijadikan padagingan, dapat bermanfaat untuk lebih banyak orang,” sang pendeta memberi alasan.
Tindakan, kerja, perbuatan, atau berkarma tanpa pamerih, tanpa kemelekatan akan imbalan, itu sesungguhnyalah bukan mimpi, apalagi ilusi semata. Dia bisa nyata, amat sangat nyata, ada, dilakonkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, di lingkungan terdekat kita. Kerja tanpa pamerih bukanlah kemustahilan—bahkan di zaman kapitalisme dengan ukuran-ukuran serba material, kebendaan, sekarang ini.
Cuma, tindakan tanpa pamerih itu, kini, mungkin saja terasa kian langka, manakala uang dijadikan sebagai alat tukar paling menentukan—bahkan cenderung satu-satunya, sehingga hidup menjadi tidak ada yang gratis, sebaliknya justru serba membayar (mayah) dengan uang, bukan ngayah. Yang kerap terjadi kemudian, bukan kerja tanpa pamerih, sebagaimana divisikan Gita, justru sebaliknya: menebar pamerih sebanyak-banyaknya tanpa bekerja apa-apa.
Korupsi materi merajalela dahsyat di seantero negeri ini justru karena kebanyakan orang, di semua bidang kehidupan, telah korup di dalam pikirannya masing-masing. Dari otak yang korup, sungguh mustahil lahir tutur kata, kebijakan, apalagi integritas tindakan nyata yang bersih, murni, sebagai sesembahan dan pemujaan. Di sini, Tuhan, sloka-sloka kitab suci, maupun tempat ibadah justru acap diplintir buat membenar-benarkan aksi kaya pamerih model Gordon Gekko.
I Ketut Sumarta


1st Asian Beach Games declared a success

OCA votes to leave lasting legacy in Indonesia

SANUR, Bali, Indonesia – The 1st Asian Beach Games in Bali have opened to remarkable success and have received praise from around the world. In a press conference today, 23 October 2008, Rita Subowo, President of the Indonesia Olympic Committee as well as Director General of the Bali Asian Beach Games Organizing Committee (BABGOC), commented on this success and discussed the future of the Games.

“It is through the spirit of these first Asian Beach Games that we are promoting sports, culture and education,” Subowo said. “These Games were the brilliant idea of the OCA (Olympic Council of Asia), and the people of Bali have been very supportive and have embraced the Olympic Movement.”

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge and OCA President Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah were both in attendance for the Opening Ceremony and at several of the competitions. In individual meetings, both leaders met with Subowo to congratulate her, the Indonesian Olympic Committee and all of BABGOC on the successful delivery of the Olympic spirit to Indonesia and the island of Bali.

“They were impressed and have declared the 1st Asian Beach Games a success,” said Subowo of her meetings with Rogge and Sheik Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah. “The Sheik spoke of how proud they are of the volunteers. This is a good sign for everyone moving forward. These Games have provided an education in international relations to many in Bali, Indonesia and Asia.”

The OCA unanimously awarded the first Asian Beach Games to Bali, in part to assist with the island’s recovery program following recent terrorist attacks. By hosting the Games, Bali is welcoming the world, boosting the economy and introducing new tourism.

“Bali belongs to the world,” Subowo said.

Indonesia last hosted an international multi-sport competition in 1962 in Jakarta with the 4th Asian Games. Now, 46 years later, the country has staged the first Asian Beach Games.

The Bali Games will leave a lasting legacy on the island and throughout Indonesia. At the 27th OCA General Assembly on Tuesday, 21 October 2008, the Council unanimously declared that the flame for all future Asian Beach Games will originate from the eternal flame at Mrapen in central Java, Indonesia. The flame will be relayed to Bali then on to the host city.

The Games have also introduced new sports to a new generation, providing more opportunities for young people to participate. Additionally, the idea of a Beach Games has inspired others. Uruguay will serve as host to the first South American Beach Games in summer 2009.

“We thank the OCA for their vision of these Games,” Subowo stated. “We also thank the IOC, the sport federations, the Indonesia and Bali governments, sponsors, athletes, officials and the Bali people for the continued support and success of these first Asian Beach Games.

“We believe we have truly ‘Inspired the World.’”


Wednesday 22 October 2008

Laskar Pelangi

By : Made Suryantara
Have you watched Laskar Pelangi film? Its tickets always sold out, awesome huh? What about the book? I think this is one of the best books I’ve read and it’s huge lost if you don’t read it. Let me review main characters who appear in this book and you should read it yourself to know further more…
This book is talking about a true friendship of 11 classmates in a poor Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Belitung islands, Sumatera, at 1980’s.

They are so poor that no one affords to buy a pair of sandals and always wear same uniform everyday (if they have any!). Mahar and Lintang are my favorite characters in this book. They both are gifted a unique talent and altogether -with their own way and along with their dreams and ambitions- have built a colorful, meaningful, and memorable events in this remote town. Readers will be surprised how those poor students can change the way of Belitung society lived ever since.
Mahar is gifted in art. Like another rustic boys, he is skinny, bags of bones. This eccentric and short straight hair’s can be described as a creative, and young man. In some moments, out loud with boastful voice, he talks around about his ability. Of course, some of his friends don’t like him for being big mouth, and not to mention, his strange thought. Yes, occasionally he acted as if he is a skillful spiritualist (what a boy!). However, his outstanding creative mind has make their school win the Independent Day competition and beat the rich students from a luxurious school! Something that they couldn’t even dream of before!
Lintang, another student, never skip a day of school even though he has to bike 40 km (!) to go to the school every day, and another 40 km to way back home. Another surprised fact is he is a natural genius person. The author of this book (Andrea Hirata a.k.a. Ikal) said that Lintang is the genius person he ever met! This rough dark complexion and small skinny figure is a clever, cheerful, and nosy boy. Like others smart people, he keep on asking, always curious for everything. He becomes the champion in his class and in every single ability competition. In one scene, he even dares to debate over a PhD Physician! Unfortunate, he never had a chance to pass the elementary school after his father had passed away. Ironic and a huge lost for this country. I guess, if he had lived in a prosperous family, he would have became a prominent physician now!
Ikal himself is a polite, humble, and moody child. He is easily changing his mood, swinging from an active into a passive child and vice versa, up and down, go and forth, flowing with others’ feelings. For me, this curly brown hair with an attractive small mole in his upper lip corner, stands between Mahar’s and Lintang’s position. Sometime he gets stick on Mahar (and his weird activities), in other day, he fits with Lintang. He is not the smartest among his classmates, but obviously not a bad student (he has taken a master degree from Sorbonne University, Paris). He has been growing up and become a success man by learning from his father, family, teachers, and his pals.
For me, these three fellows are the main character of Laskar Pelangi book. What do you think?


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Pikiran Kadang Menipu!

Oleh : Made Suryantara

Beberapa tahun lalu saya menawarkan kepada beberapa abg (anak baru gede) di sekitar rumah untuk jogging bareng. Tawaran yang iseng banget karena saya yakin, sangat yakin, kalau mereka akan menolaknya. It was just a small talk. Bagaimana tidak? Mereka saya kenal sebagai anak-anak yang jauh dari kesan "anak yang senang berolahraga". Selain sekolah, waktu mereka dihabiskan dengan nongkrong (plus ngerokok tentu saja) dan begadang. Apalagi tawaran saya tersebut untuk jogging di pagi hari yang mengharuskan mereka bangun jam 5 pagi. Pikiran kadang menipu, mereka menerima tawaran saya!

Akhirnya besoknya, pagi-pagi sekali, kami sudah berkumpul di banjar dan 15 menit kemudian pemanasan bertelanjang kaki di pantai double six Kuta. Berapa jauh? Itu penawaran saya, khawatir kalo jarak yang saya tetapkan kejauhan bagi kaki-kaki kurus dan paru-paru yang udah terpapar nikotin itu. Sampai di pohon itu Bli! Sesorang diantara mereka menyahut sambil menunjuk sebuah pohon besar, 1 km jauhnya dari tempat kami berdiri. Lumayan untuk jogging yang pertama kalinya. Oh ya, saya sudah cukup sering lari di pantai ini, tempatnya indah dan landai, pas banget untuk yang suka olahraga sambil menghirup segarnya udara yang agak asin. Kami bergerak dalam kelompok dalam kecepatan sedang. Sesampainya di dekat pohon, salah satu dari mereka minta "bagaimana kalo kita lari sampai sana?" telunjuknya mengarah pada salah satu papan iklan raksasa di kejauhan yang memang banyak bertebaran di sepanjang Kuta. Itu sih sudah agak jauh, batin saya, mungkin 2 km dari tempat kami menaruh sepeda motor. Tapi karena semuanya setuju, yah saya setuju saja (mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang muntah, kan bukan pemandangan menarik jika Anda mengurut-urut leher seorang teman yang sedang muntah di pantai Kuta di pagi hari!). Kembali, pikiran saya menipu. Kami semua sampai di finish, bahkan ada yang mengusulkan lari lebih jauh lagi. "Sampai bangunan itu Bli!" Tiga kilometer taksiran saya, berarti 6 km bolak-balik! OK! Dan, kami semua sampai dengan selamat, tidak ada yang muntah! Kami beristirahat sebentar dan salah seorang berseru heran setelah melihat titik keberangkatan kita. Kita memang bisa melihat pantai double six dari sebelah selatan pantai Kuta karena tak terhalang bangunan apapun dan landscape pantai yang melengkung. "Ternyata kita jauh sekali ya larinya!" Mereka heran dengan kemampuan mereka sendiri!
Satu pelajaran di sini. Pikiran kadang menipu kita. Saya adalah contoh nyata. Anak-anak itu contoh lainnya. Mereka sama sekali tidak mengira bisa lari sejauh itu! Pikiran mereka bilang bahwa mereka hanya bisa lari 1 km jauhnya, kemudian 2 km, tapi ternyata kaki-kaki itu bisa berlari lebih jauh lagi. Mungkin kita semua seperti mereka. Kita sebenarnya bisa lari lebih jauh dari apa yang kita pikirkan dan akan takjub melihat jarak yang telah kita tempuh!
Pada saat kembali ke garis awal, hanya sebagian yang lari. Dan ada yang muntah. Kali ini saya benar. Sayangnya, kami tidak pernah jogging bareng lagi....


Simão seizes on slip to spoil Liverpool's perfect start

Robbie Keane celebrates his early strike for Liverpool against Atletico Madrid. Photograph: Philippe Desmazes/AFP/Getty Images

First it was Uefa and now Liverpool have become the second European power to threaten Atlético Madrid with serious punishment only to grant them a reprieve at the last. A 100% start and a stranglehold on Group D were seven minutes away for Rafael Benítez's team at Vicente Calderón when their defence self-destructed and Simao returned to haunt them in the Champions League once again. The Spaniards must be beginning to believe they are immune from prosecution.

Fortunately for Atlético and Liverpool's travelling support, though not for those who missed Robbie Keane's 14th-minute opener due to problems entering the stadium before kick-off, this eagerly anticipated affair proved a test only of their team's suitability for the European spotlight. For the supporters and security staff who provoked a two-match stadium ban and £120,000 fine from Uefa last week, a ban postponed until after Liverpool's visit, they were merely subdued by the visitors' early superiority, then enthused by Atlético's stirring second-half response. With seven points apiece, the early pacesetters in the group remain firm favourites to advance to the knock-out phase.

Yet there will be regret gnawing at Benítez this morning and, with Sunday's trip to Chelsea in mind, some concern too. Liverpool impressed for large periods of this match and but for wastefulness in front of goal from Keane, Yossi Benayoun and Ryan Babel, plus an ignored penalty claim from Albert Riera, they would have given their manager a triumphant homecoming to the Spanish capital.

Then tiredness visibly set in, evidenced by Steven Gerrard's withdrawal on the hour, and it took everything the Liverpool defence had left to prevent themselves becoming a victim of the sort of comebacks that have shaped their season. Perhaps too many relentless chases to the line took their toll here. It certainly looked that way as Jamie Carragher erred in the build-up to Simao's 83rd-minute equaliser and José Reina prevented the unmarked Miguel from giving Atlético a famous victory moments later.

The occasion was ultimately more satisfying than the contest thanks to the evident appreciation for a Liverpool side managed by a Madrileno and containing four Spaniards in the starting XI, though not the injured Fernando Torres, whose name still adorned the shirts of many in the home crowd 15 months after his departure for Anfield. It was reciprocated too, with Luis García and Florent Sinama-Pongolle facing their former club for the first time since leaving Liverpool. All told, this was never going to be a litmus test of the Atlético support after their censure by Uefa and enraged response to it.

Liverpool began with the efficiency that has been their hallmark in Europe rather than the Premier League this season. Atlético's hesitant, weak defence swiftly became of more concern to the majority in the Calderón than Uefa's slight on their reputation and they were prised apart with devastating results after only 14 minutes. Xabi Alonso instigated the move with a ball to Gerrard, who threaded a perfectly weighted pass between Alvaro Domínguez and Antonio López and Keane collected the delivery in his stride and drove a fine finish low under Leo Franco. It was simple yet superb and a passionate home support were silenced. Keane almost profited from more defensive uncertainty 60 seconds later as he and Domínguez chased a long ball from Carragher and should have scored from a Gerrard cross. The striker's over-elaborate finish was the wrong choice and the pass sailed between his legs.

The Atlético response was initially fitful until they were transformed in the second half and became rampant against Alvaro Arbeloa on the Liverpool right. Maniche was deprived a legitimate equaliser when he curled a right-foot finish beyond Reina but was wrongly adjudged offside as he collected Diego Forlán's pass into the area. Seconds later the Liverpool keeper made an outstanding save to tip a low drive from Simao on to the far post. Liverpool's accuracy in possession removed the sting from Atlético's recovery and Benayoun squandered a glorious opening when Alonso and Javier Mascherano fashioned a carbon-copy of Keane's goal only for the Israeli to delay his shot far too long. It proved a costly lapse.

With Liverpool under increasing pressure, Carragher misread a hopeful punt forwards and Forlán seized on the slip to release Simao wide on the left. The Portuguese international, who scored when Benfica ended Liverpool's defence of the Champions League in 2006, would not be denied by Reina this time, finding the far corner with an inch-perfect finish. Benítez and the watching Liverpool co-owner, George Gillett, were not amused.

Remaining fixtures

Nov 4 Liverpool v Atlético Madrid, Marseille v PSV

Nov 26 Atlético Madrid v PSV, Liverpool v Marseille

Dec 9 PSV v Liverpool, Marseille v Atlético Madrid

Previous results

Sept 16 Marseille 1 Liverpool 2; PSV 0 Atlético Madrid 3

Oct 1 Liverpool 3 PSV 1; Atlético Madrid 2 Marseille 1

Last night Atlético Madrid 1 Liverpool 1; PSV 2 Marseille 0



Tuesday 21 October 2008

Harga Minyak Anjlok di Bawah 71 Dollar AS

Ditulis oleh Ali
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008 07:44
Harga minyak dunia merosot di bawah 71 dollar AS per barrel pada saat menguatnya nilai dollar AS membayangi ekspektasi pasar terhadap pemotongan kuota produksi organisasi eksportir minyak OPEC. Nilai dollar AS menguat terhadap sejumlah nilai mata uang lainnya saat membaiknya kondisi pasar kredit dan beredar spekulasi kemungkinan pemerintah AS kembali menggulirkan paket rangsangan terbaru guna menggiring ekonomi keluar dari jalur krisis.

Investor kerap membeli komoditas seperti minyak mentah sebagai penahan inflasi saat nilai dollar AS melemah. Investor melepas saham komodiats tersebut saat nilai dollar AS kembali menguat.

Dari bursa komoditas New York Mercantile Exchange, New York, kontrak pengiriman minyak mentah light, sweet untuk bulan November mendatang merosot 3,36 dollar AS serta ditutup pada 70,89 dollar AS per barrel. Senin (20/10) lalu, nilai kontrak tersebut tersebut naik 2,40 dollar AS serta ditutup pada 74,25 dollar AS per barrel.

Harga minyak mentah telah turun 52 persen dari rekor 147,27 dollar AS per barrel pada 11 Juli lalu. Di bursa komoditas ICE Futures, London, kontrak pengiriman minyak mentah Brent untuk bulan Desember mendatang merosot 2,31 dollar AS serta ditutup pada 69,72 dollar AS per barrel.

Sumber :www.Kompas.com


Berbatov's dodgy double inspires United

Manchester United 3
  • Berbatov 29,
  • Berbatov 51,
  • Rooney 76
Celtic 0
Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov

Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov. Photograph: Barry Coombs/Empics

It is a curious experience to be both outplayed and wronged. A wry Celtic supporter struck the correct balance in a well-constructed complaint. "They weren't the ones needing help from the officials," he said in mock indignation. The Dimitar Berbatov goals that put Manchester United 2-0 ahead had been taken from marginally offside positions.

There could be no tirade from the Celtic manager, Gordon Strachan, even if he did touch upon the lapses by the referee, Frank de Bleeckere, and his assistants. Eventually United's superiority was marked.

Injuries that ruled out the strikers Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink and Georgios Samaras went part of the way to explaining the visitors' ineffectuality but the deeper truth lies in the divided nature of the Champions League. United and Villarreal are already close to qualification for the group phase, while Celtic and Aalborg grapple for a spot in the Uefa Cup.

Swift progress is virtually demanded at English clubs by managers who know that energy has to be conserved for the Premier League. There could be no element of the unknown in this meeting of title-holders from either side of the border. All the same the élan from Sir Alex Ferguson's team was fitful.

It mattered little that a groin injury kept Rio Ferdinand out. The line-up for the Champions League holders looked designed to deal briskly with Celtic but Strachan's side were competitive at the outset. United, however, can be patient, as they showed at the weekend when their four goals against West Bromwich Albion all came in the second half. Indeed a Darren Fletcher goal against Newcastle in August remains the only one scored here in the first half of any league fixture.

When Celtic did fall behind, in the 30th minute, the goal was galling. John O'Shea got a foot to Nani's corner but Berbatov was fractionally offside as he put the ball into the net. A team with the away record in the Champions League of Celtic is under enough pressure as it is without errors from officials.

They have now drawn one and lost the other 18 fixtures on their travels in this competition. With his team's two tall forwards ruled out, Strachan had mused about the possibility of Snow White leading out the side. The line-up was not uniformly diminutive but the manager was wise to look for relaxing humour.

Celtic gave a reasonable account of themselves before the interval. At that stage United had been flat. Only the composition of the team suggested verve, with Cristiano Ronaldo and Nani flanking the central strikers, Wayne Rooney and Berbatov. Strachan's team were containing that attack and, before half-time, had carried some menace of their own.

It was Edwin van der Sar who needed to make saves, putting efforts by Aiden McGeady and Gary Caldwell behind. Celtic's system of containment was functioning, yet United are well accustomed to wrecking plans of that sort.

The danger to Celtic was sporadic. Nani set up Rooney for a drive that was blocked by Mark Wilson and later Ronaldo missed the target from a promising position. All the same Fletcher, on the verge of the interval, should have doubled the lead instead of hacking Rooney's chip over the bar. Celtic had performed better than many had imagined, yet were losing and at risk of more harm.

Six minutes into the second half United killed off this match. Though Ronaldo's free-kick moved in the air, the goalkeeper Artur Boruc ought to have done better than palm it into the middle of the goalmouth, from where Berbatov scored a second time. The Bulgarian had again been marginally offside when the set piece was taken but soon afterwards the flag was raised wrongly against Rooney when he had the ball in the net. It is a moot point whether Celtic's mood will be improved by evidence that poor officiating was at work rather than a conspiracy.

Berbatov is most likely cursing machinations but there was nothing covert about them. The forward was denied the prospect of a hat-trick because Ferguson replaced him with Carlos Tevez. Having made sure of the win here, the manager attended to forward planning. The player removed will have to content himself with a spree of five goals in four matches.

There was no more than professionalism to sustain the visitors. Tevez was soon compelling Boruc to tip an attempt round the post. Rooney made the goalkeeper put a shot over the bar before striking at last in the 76th minute, from a Tevez pass. This had been one more away match in Europe to be met with stoicism by Celtic.



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